Saturday, November 30, 2013

The crankshaft

The crankshaft, sometimes usually
abreviated to crank , is the part of an
engine that translates reciprocating
linear piston motion into rotation. To
convert the reciprocating motion into
rotation, the crankshaft has "crank
throws" or " crankpins", additional
bearing surfaces whose axis is offset
from that of the crank, to which the
"big ends" of the connecting rods
from each cylinder attach.

Photo: The crankshaft, sometimes usuallyabreviated to crank , is the part of anengine that translates reciprocatinglinear piston motion into rotation. Toconvert the reciprocating motion intorotation, the crankshaft has "crankthrows" or " crankpins", additionalbearing surfaces whose axis is offsetfrom that of the crank, to which the"big ends" of the connecting rodsfrom each cylinder attach. For more join Automobiles and Engines

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