Friday, November 29, 2013

This Rocket Powered Bicycle Can Do 280 Km/Hr:

This Rocket Powered Bicycle Can Do 280 Km/Hr:

How it worked:

Concentrated liquid hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)—about 90-percent concentrate, compared to the 3-percent stuff sold in drug stores—is fed from a storage tank into secondary chamber filled with a catalyst, typically silver. This causes the chemical bonds to break down and the hydrogen peroxide to decompose into heat, water (H2O) in the form of 650 degree F steam, and oxygen (O). The steam is then forced through a rocket nozzle to provide thrust.

The ride was so rough that the rear axle was significantly loosened, but the bicycle still managed to reached it’s amazing top speed. The attempt has yet to be certified, but there is little reason for it to be rejected.

Photo: This Rocket Powered Bicycle Can Do 280 Km/Hr:How it worked:Concentrated liquid hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)—about 90-percent concentrate, compared to the 3-percent stuff sold in drug stores—is fed from a storage tank into secondary chamber filled with a catalyst, typically silver. This causes the chemical bonds to break down and the hydrogen peroxide to decompose into heat, water (H2O) in the form of 650 degree F steam, and oxygen (O). The steam is then forced through a rocket nozzle to provide thrust.The ride was so rough that the rear axle was significantly loosened, but the bicycle still managed to reached it’s amazing top speed. The attempt has yet to be certified, but there is little reason for it to be rejected.For more join Mechanical Engineers Rocks.

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