Monday, December 2, 2013



1.)How many governors are needed for safe turbine operation? Why?

Ans.-Two independent governors are needed for safe turbine operation. One is an over speed or emergency trip that shuts off the steam at 10 percent above running speed (maximum speed). The second, or main governor, usually controls speed at a constant rate; however, many applications have variable speed control.

2.)How is a fly ball governor used with a hydraulic control?

Ans.-As the turbine speeds up, the weights are moved outward by centrifugal force, causing linkage to open a pilot valve that admits and releases oil on either side of a piston or on one side of a spring-loaded piston. The movement of the piston controls the steam valves.

3.)What is meant by critical speed?

Ans.-It is the speed at which the machine vibrates most violently. It is due to many causes, such as imbalance or harmonic vibrations set up by the entire machine. To minimize damage, the turbine should be hurried through the known critical speed as rapidly as possible. (Caution, be sure the vibration is caused by critical speed and not by some other trouble).

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